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Дякую за чудовий сайт. Це чудово, що пам'ять про Івана Кейвана збережеться і буде передана нащадкам. Це приємно, оскільки сам митець являється моїм родичем. Я пишу наукову роботу про життя і творчість митця, і цей сайт мені дуже допоміг.
Thank you for a great website, a wonderful tribute to your father!
Oh, you must be so proud of all this beautiful work. I loved the landscape with the willow tree and the moose painting too. It is very mysterious that the floral painting from the 30's (one that is damaged, is so different in style from the other works. Congratulations on this Isobel
Wonderful site. Am going to enjoy visiting it and will pass it on to my friends. Thank you.
Wonderful web site. I'm glad your father is getting the honor and recognition he amply deserves for his talented work in different media.
All the best to all of you.
This is a wonderful tribute to your father and a fine legacy.
One of the nicest things your father did for our family was to write a beautiful obituary for my adopted father, Vasyl Semotiuk, when he passed away in 1958. The obituary, that appeared in the Edmonton Journal, was touching, gentle and noble in spirit. It showed great insight, delicacy and understanding. It was clearly a work that took your father time to compose and effort to polish. It is one of the few lasting legacies of my family that I will always cherish.
A gifted Ukranian artist.
Дякуємо за чудовий сайт. Ми знали деякі праці Івана Кейвана, а тепер маємо нагоду бачити їх більше.